Monday, July 25, 2005

The end of Bolivian poverty

I'm no Jeffrey Sachs -- I got a B in microeconomics and did even worse in macro -- but I think I've got a solution to some of Bolivia's economic woes. See, things shut down from 12-3PM for siesta, like in many Latin countries. But unlike in, say, Spain, they take their siestas very seriously here. Nothing, I mean nothing, is open. I tried to buy the Sunday paper during siesta yesterday and wound up taking a long, long, fruitless walk. So what if a few kiosks stayed open and became known as the places where one could buy a paper, smokes, batteries, phone cards, etc. during siesta time? I think they'd do mad business. Who knows? Maybe that and the country's rich natural gas reserves could bump it up a few notches from its ranking as one of the hemisphere's poorest nations.


At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, my father brought up the idea of "horario continuo" in the early 80s when he was working in LP for the govt. Let's just was not a popular idea. Personally, I think siesta is great.


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